A= ESPN brings a lot of attention to the viewers by having many action photos available on the home page of their website.  Everything from football, basketball, baseball to hockey, soccer, and golf.  They offer all sports and most recent scores so you can get the latest news about your favorite teams.  Also, the red to white fading color scheme catches a lot of attention to the eye.  It is a very dominant color that creates initial attenention to the website.

I= ESPN generates interest by having a headlines box on the right side of the page, linking you to several different pages with the latest news and scores.  It only takes one click to get to that specific game story that you have wanted to read about. 

D= ESPN makes viewers desire their website by offering sports at all levels.  You can click on professional sports, collegiate sports, and even high school sports.  There is such a wide variety of sports news and scores that you can get any sport related information that you want.

A= ESPN creates action within the viewers by offering so much more sports related information in one website than any other sports television station or radio station.  ESPN brings people back on a daily basis due to accurate, detailed, and plenty of information.  As I mentioned earlier, the score you are looking for or the game recap is only one click away.  You can get a wide range of information at your leisure and when you want it, rather than listening or watching for a while until that one score comes up. 


    I am writing this blog in fullfilment of an assignment in PRT 5460 Electronic Marketing.


    September 2012

